- トップ
- 専門家&人事担当者コラム
- 法務業界で働く(2)
Damion Way
Damion Way
The international investment banks and securities houses are suffering but most of them are confident of a slow revival “at some point” in 2009. Unfair though it may seem, while the general global economy may languish in recession throughout 2009 and early 2010, the banks and securities houses should start making strategic hires as business confidence thaws. Although the financial industry will change in light of widespread governmental and industry impetus for greater regulatory control and monitoring, it is still likely that investment banking and capital markets will remain the driving force of profit-making in the new investment environment. In addition, the demise of Lehman Brothers and the shaky outlook of other global investment banks equates to a significant opportunity for 2nd tier players to finally acquire a greater market share. Therefore, demand should diversify although their needs will mirror the traditional demand for top quality legal professionals with a focus on capital markets and M&A, even without Japanese language skills. Already we have seen sales and research teams move from one entity to another and this movement is slated to continue for the rest of the year and well into 2009. So we expect the demand for quality legal support to emerge from the current slump “at some point” in 2009 and the usual elite academic and employment background will be required. However, each entity seeks unique skills and experience and we are able toprovide you with our unique insight gained over the past 10 years in Tokyo and around the region. We welcome the chance to chat with you about your potential future career in Asia at anytime.
所在地 : 〒100-0013
東京都千代田区霞ヶ関3-6-15 グローリアビル5階
代表番号:(03) 3580-3101